Scheme description

Load analysis: Communication equipment, data room equipment, and special room air-conditioning equipment in telecommunications buildings have very high requirements for power supply continuity and are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations. Various electromagnetic interference will affect data exchange equipment. There are large-capacity harmonic source loads in telecommunications buildings, most of which are single-phase nonlinear loads, including:
UPS power supply, single unit has large capacity, most of which are 6-pulse UPS uninterruptible power supply equipment (3, 5, 7 times, etc.);
Switching power supply, mainly used for power supply of office equipment such as computers, in large quantities (3, 5, 7 times, etc.);
Frequency conversion air conditioners, elevators, water pumps, etc. are used in large quantities, and frequency conversion drive equipment is the main harmonic source (5th, 7th, etc.).
Recommended solution: IVL-RCT dynamic filter compensation component + IVL-APF active filter.

Recommended scheme

Recommended solution: In the low-voltage power distribution system, configure IVL-RCT dynamic filter compensation components to compensate for reactive power, and configure IVL-APF active filters to filter out harmonics to achieve the best governance effect.

Scheme benefits

Improve power factor and avoid fines;

avoid system resonance, protect reactive power compensation capacitors, and ensure the stability of reactive power compensation equipment;

effectively control harmonics and avoid interference to communication equipment;

reduce consumption and energy saving, and reduce power operating costs;

ensure data The data security of the central computer room;

the high quality of power quality ensures the stable operation of communication equipment.